A popular New Year dish made in family kitchens throughout northern China are small meat dumplings called "jiaozi", eaten on midnight of New Year's Eve. Wrapped in a thin layer of dough, the filling consists of chopped pork and cabbage, ginger, shrimp, black mushrooms, scallions, garlic and ground pepper. Some portion of the hundreds of dumplings made in a single household were traditionally stuffed with copper coins, pieces of gold and silver, or even precious stones to suggest a prosperous year ahead. Edible surprise fillings included peanuts or dates and chestnuts. Peanuts ("sheng") stood for long life, dates and chestnuts presaged the imminent arrival of a son because in Chinese the words "date", and "early", and "chestnut" and "son" are homophones.
通常中国北方的年夜饭是吃一种叫"饺子" 的肉馅水饺.用生面团包入碎肉,蔬菜,小虾,黑蘑菇,大葱,蒜和胡椒粉.有时也会在饺子中包入钱币,如果你吃到则预示着好运.有时也会包入栗子,大枣和花生.这些连在一起,预示着"早生贵子".
To cook jiaozi, the chef drops them in a large pot of boiling water for a couple of minutes, then removes the pot from the heat and leaves the jiaozi in the water for about 15 minutes. When boiling jiaozi , they try not to break them, for broken jiaozi shows your wealth floating away. If they are pan-fried, the dish is called "potstickers" (guo tie) because the bottom burns a bit. Both styles of dumplings are eaten with variety of communal dipping sauces such as soy sauce, vinegar, chili bean sauce or chili oil.
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